CSA Diving Standards Committee Meetings to be held in Vancouver June 21-23

By CADC Admin ~ June 17th, 2016. Filed under: Latest Diving News, Standards and Regulations.

CSA DIVE STANDARDS GROUPThe CSA Diving Standards Committees are to meet in Vancouver for 3 days during the CSA AGM at the Weston BayShore Inn.

The Diving Standards Meetings will be starting on TUESDAY afternoon (June 21st) and end on Thursday the 23rd.

The exact schedule of the CSA meetings are (normal starts 0900 for morning and 13:30 for afternoons)

Tuesday afternoon                         Z275.3 SC, Work in Compressed Air Environments (Stu Simms)

Tuesday evening                              Awards Celebration – Bob Landry to receive Award of Merit

Wednesday morning                      Z275.2 SC, Safety Code for Diving Operations (Bob Landry)

Wednesday afternoon                  Z275.4 /.5 SC, Occupational Diving Competency and Training (Dave Geddes)

Wednesday Evening                       Social at Simon Fraser University

Thursday Morning                           Z275.1 SC, Hyperbaric Facilities (Sherri Ferguson)

Thursday Mid-day                           Z275 Technical Committee (Steve Duffy) – selection of new Chair

*Note: There will be no meeting of the Z275.6 SC, UXO and Police Explosive Diving.

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