[Members_CADC] CSA Public review now posted ..... Amendment to CSA Z275.2-15 to eliminate the Three Man SS Crew.. 60 days.

delsey at cadc.ca delsey at cadc.ca
Thu Jul 12 09:21:29 CDT 2018



The amendment to eliminate the clause allowing the use of a Three Man
minimum crew in low risk surface supplied diving is now out for the 60 day
public review. The reason for the amendment is the clause was being used as
a loophole to allow a three man crew when common sense best practices and
risk analysis definitely required a four man crew. 


If you have concerns or comments, this is where you state them.  Bottom line
on this is that only four man minimum crews will be allowed in CSA Z275.2
Surface Supplied Diving starting in the fall 2018. (NOTE: There is also
movement to carry this over to occupational SCUBA operations and is to be
debated by CSA Diving Standards Groups in the fall (and is actually
unofficially gaining traction now.))


The public review notice for the proposed amendment to Z275.2 was posted
earlier this week.



Note: In the case of small amendments to standards, CSA does not post the
entire document for review – just the parts that are changing.


For this amendment, the notice is simple - elimination of provisions related
to 3-person crews.


Dive Safe – stay safe.




Doug Elsey, P.Eng.

CADC Executive Director


Canadian Association of Diving Contractors

C/O: 6382 Coachford Way,

Mississauga, Ont. L5N3V8

Phone: 1.905.542.7410  Email: Delsey at CADC.CA


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CADC ) will represent its members common interests with regards to safety
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