Archive for the 'CADC MAG' Category

CADC MAGAZINE WINTER 2016-17 now available in digital format.

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

Welcome to the digital edition of the 2016 -2017 Winter version of CADC Magazine. The adage that “the only thing sure thing in life is change” rings true as I write this just into the New Year. Besides the New Year and political shifts around the world, we in the Canadian Diving industry are facing […]

One Country – One Dive Standard: Federal Govt pushes for harmonized Health and Safety across Canada.

Tuesday, December 20th, 2016

(PrePrint: CADC Mag Winter 2016-2017) The quest by our diving industry to implement one single national diving standard across the country got a big boast this fall when Provincial and territorial labour ministers gathered for an annual meeting with federal Labour Minister MaryAnn Mihychuk in Prince George, B.C., in September 2016. On the agenda was […]

Diving Professionals Reflect on workplace death last year.

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

Diving professionals reflect on workplace death last year Information Morning – NS July 18, 2016 Season 2016, Episode 300256432 06:22 CLICK ON LINK BELOW TO HEAR CBC RADIO INTERVIEW OF DOUG ELSEY BY CBC’S ELIZABETH CHIU It’s been a year since diver Luke Seabrook was killed on the job at a Nova Scotia Power dam. […]

Enough is enough : CADC and DCBC push for National Diving Safety Standard.

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

(Reprint from CADC Magazine Spring/Summer 2016 ) The Canadian Association of Diving Contractors (CADC) and the Diver Certification Board of Canada (DCBC) are unanimous in pushing forward for nationwide implementation of a single diving standard based on the current CSA Standard Z275.2 (Diving Operations) and the Z275.4 (Diving Competency). These are minimum diving safety standards […]

Z275.2-15 Interpretation Note for Diving in Contaminated Environments

Friday, July 8th, 2016

(Reprint from CADC Magazine – Spring Summer 2016) The latest Occupational Safety Code for diving operations contains revised instructions for contaminated water diving (CWD). The revised code contains a lot of new information and, perhaps inevitably, its publication raised as many questions as it answered. In direct response to industry feedback the CSA Z275 technical […]

CADC, DCBC and underwater industry stakeholders call for harmonized diving safety standards across Canada.

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Most everything in this world has a “service life.” Not unlike, the diving industry in Canada is lead today by some incredible individuals, but we must all remember there were leaders before them and there will be leaders after them. As time marches on, so must the standards and regulations that provide the framework that […]

CADC Magazine Winter 2015-2016 available.

Monday, February 22nd, 2016

The Winter 2015-2016 edition of the CADC Magazine is available. (excerpt from the executive director) The new CSA Diving Operations Standard Z275.2-15 is now out. There was extensive revision to the previous document and it is an accumulation of thousands of man/company hours of input into its changes. It is a living document; it is […]

CADC Mag – Fall/Winter 2014 hits the street

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

The times they are a changin’,” sang Bob Dylan. Our Diving industry is in the midst of a sea of change. Crooner Bobby was so prophetic; I wonder if he ever got wet? I attended a meeting of the Ontario Infrastructure Health and Safety Association-Diving Labour Management Committee to discuss issues working divers and companies […]

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