Archive for the 'JOBS' Category

Do We Need More Occupational Divers?

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Do We Need More Occupational Divers?  By David Parkes, CEO, Diver Certification Board of Canada Over the past few months, I’ve spoken to many contractors who tell me that they can’t find enough occupational divers to meet their requirements. These contractors aren’t in one specific area of Canada, but rather span from coast to coast. […]


Thursday, January 20th, 2022

COMPLETE LISTINGS AT    Latest Jobs ( certified divers / marine personell DCBC Unrestricted Surface Supplied Divers Occupational Diver DCBC Certified Divers and Diving Supervisors DCBC Certified Experienced Ship Diver

Mine Countermeasures Deep Divers: Not a Drill

Wednesday, July 31st, 2019

“This is not a drill! This is not a drill!” The ship’s intercom echoed the chilling words loudly throughout the vessel as we were alerted that the emergency message about to follow was not a drill. It was real. Instinctively, I quickly grabbed my camera and, rushing on deck, observed through the camera’s viewfinder what […]

Saluting the Military & Public Service: Danger at Any Depth

Wednesday, July 24th, 2019

There are many ways to earn a living below the waves. But, for many who are looking to turn their passion for diving into profit, the realities of hardcore commercial diving in the cold, dark, mud of inshore diving—in fast currents or under ice—or doing civil marine repairs, or the prospect of deep bell diving […]

LAKE ERIE GAS DIVING OPERATIONS – Behind the scenes of getting the Images.

Wednesday, August 1st, 2018

A behind the scenes look at the task of CADC Exec Director (and professional photographer) Doug Elsey getting the dive images for an article on Lake Erie Gas Field diving operations. The images were used in an article on the diving operations going on in the Lake Erie Gas Fields by Dundee Energy. See the […]

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